Your New Story

Instead of aiming for perfection, accept the choices you’ve made, without guilt or blame. Things happen for you, not to you, and you have the power to change your story at any moment. Only you truly know your strengths and weaknesses, and you are the author of your life.

Your History Does not Make Your New Story

Who are we?  Better yet, who do you see me as?

In any given relationship, we like to be seen as wonderful people. The problem stems from occupying the peak of “Perfection” syndrome, which takes so much work and energy. What are you looking to be perfect in?  Is it your body, your face, your work, your parenting, or your relationships?  Let’s admit it – we are not perfect.

The amount of self-assessment we do not only is to be or seem perfect, it is based on the idea that we are in desperate need of constant improvement and will be judged harshly for our shortcomings or imperfections.  What if you accepted the notion that your imperfections make you perfect?  No one in this life looks like you feels like you, thinks, or believes what you do.

What if you were to change the concept from trying so hard to be perfect? What if you’d entertain the notion of embracing and accepting yourself, your life, and the decisions you have made, good or bad, have helped and got you to this moment? No blame – No guilt.

“Things do not happen to you – but for you”.

Embracing Change

The truth is we are all a collection of tiny moments that make up the whole. We all have memories that remind us of something or some time in our past. But our past history does not make our today’s story.  You CAN change your story from this moment on. Let me ask you this: Let’s imagine… If you were willing to do so – what will you be willing to change today?

What would it take for you to make the change?

What do you need to happen for you to take one step towards what you want?

The person, who really knows the cache of all your good deeds and shortcomings, is YOU. There are very few critics who could match your own assessment of your failures and defeats.  So what’s the deal?  Remember that you are the only one who can write the complete version of your story – the Tale of you, and the new version of “This is My Life”.

Call me if I can help you Evoke what was, Embrace what is, and be willing to Evolve to what will be.  “You Matter”.

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$200.00 off

As one woman to another, I am gifting you $200.00 off when you purchase 4 sessions with me.

Video – Embracing Change

Liza is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Her journey in the field of hypnotherapy and alternative healing began when she was overwhelmed and under a lot of pressure and stress.

Phone - (818) 551-1501
Email - [email protected]
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Monday - Friday -10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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