Unlocking Inner Strength

Unlocking Inner Strength – Lady Jen Du Plessis talks with Liza Boubari about her transformative journey from legal stress to hypnotherapy. She highlights the power of alternative healing methods for overcoming stress and achieving well-being.

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Resilience Unleashed

~ Lady Jen Du Plessis

Lady Jen Du Plessis

Lady Jen is the leading expert in creating world-class teams. She is one of the co-authors of The Powerful She, a collaborative book compiled by Liza Boubari.

She works with high-achieving leaders and entrepreneurs who are stuck at 6-figures and want to reach 7-figures per year. Through her masterminds and private mentorship, she dramatically improves leadership skills to build powerful teams that enable multiplied results in record time while designing a balanced and exciting personal life.

Liza’s Transformative Story

Liza Boubari, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, shares her remarkable journey of transformation and healing. Initially working in the legal field as a paralegal, Liza faced immense professional and personal stress. After her divorce, she experienced severe health issues, including recurrent ovarian cysts and carpal tunnel syndrome, exacerbated by long working hours and high-pressure environments.

Seeking relief from her ailments, Liza discovered hypnotherapy through an acupuncturist. Amazingly, within six sessions, she experienced significant improvement in her health, avoiding a third surgery for her ovarian cysts. This life-changing experience led her to pursue hypnotherapy professionally. In 1996, she enrolled in a hypnotherapy course and has been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist since 2000. Liza also obtained certifications in anger management, stress management, and domestic abuse consulting.

Liza’s journey underscores the profound impact of alternative healing methods on stress management and overall well-being. She emphasizes that stress affects not only the mind but also the body. In her practice, she integrates mental and physical health strategies to help individuals, particularly women, achieve a balanced and fulfilling life.

Liza’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of finding the right healing path. By embracing hypnotherapy, she transformed her life and now dedicates herself to helping others navigate their challenges and achieve well-being. Her journey inspires us to explore alternative healing methods and underscores the significance of mental and physical health integration for a harmonious life.

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Unlocking Inner Strength – Video

Liza was a guest on Lady Jen Du Plessis’s podcast and video.

Unlocking Your Inner Strength on Success to Significance

Unlocking Inner Strength Transcript


Well, hey there and welcome back to Success 2 Significance.
I am your host, Lady Jen Du Plessis and today
I have someone with me that I absolutely
love because every time we’re together we, you know, there’s a lot of people who say
they’re going to share about different
opportunities for one another but this is someone
who actually does and, you know, we share
back and forth quite a bit and I will say that
it’s my fault that we don’t communicate
more often and we should, Liza, don’t we do?
Not Liza, but I want to welcome my friend Liza Boubari to our show.
She is a certified, clinical, hypnotherapist.
I love, I can’t wait to hear the story about
how you became this because I know in your
bio you said, you know, that you were not feeling good and you went in some direction
and then you became, you know, you went to
hypnotherapy, you went through all kinds of different
things and finally this is where you landed.
So I’m really curious to see how that all
trans, transpired but I think the thing that’s
most important about why you’re here today is you have alternative healing methods for
feeling overwhelmed and under pressure and
stress and, you know, for those that have been
listening for a long time to my podcast, you know
that I love talking about living a lifestyle,
right, having a lifestyle business that allows
for you to reduce the stress in your life
and, you know, really enjoy being with your family and friends.
So with that, Liza, we’d like to welcome you to the show.
I’m so delighted they have you here today.
Thank you so much, ladies and actually it’s my honor and pleasure to be here with you.
Thank you. So let’s talk about your, you
know, this is obviously called Life, you know,
a long-term breaker, success to significance,
success to significance, life after breaking through glass ceilings.
I know it’s a whole lot of time. And we never edit.
We never edit unless we get disconnected because I just think it’s real.
We, you know, I mispronounce words all the time.
Right. It’s the way it is.
But you know, life after breaking through
glass ceilings, so obviously you went through
a difficult time in your life that you were able to break through glass ceiling and on
the backside of this or on the top side of this,
it’s been, you know, wonderful for you as you
matured, right?
And you want to help women.
And so, you know, this is something that is big on my mind right now.
I turned 60, I turned 60 last November as
we’re recording this and, you know, things have changed physically in my life.
Right? And things are changing and I’m doing the same
things and that’s probably the wrong thing to do right now.
So, tell us about your story.
Share your story with us and how you got here and then we’ll dive into some of the
wellness and especially with all the exterior
things that are happening in the world.
And how it’s affecting us.
We may think it’s not, but it is.
So we’ll talk about that later. But let’s talk about you.
Well, my story is no different than so many and yet I believe each and every one of us
has our own unique story.
After my divorce, I was actually working at
the law firm as an assistant to an attorney.
I was a paralegal and for nine years I was
in the legal field wanting to be an attorney.
Actually, I froze on the LSAT test twice.
So, and I will come back to that one because
I believe you’re exactly where you’re supposed
to be and I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
If that had happened, I would not be where I am.
So in life, we have to take our experiences and realize there are no mistakes.
So my body was breaking down.
At that time, many don’t even know what dictaphone is.
So I was using dictaphone.
I do. So, right?
There are people who don’t know what dictaphone is.
So, doing this with the leg and the knee, my knee had water.
I had carpal tunnel.
I was stressed coming out of a divorce, working
approximately 11 to 12 hours a day for an
attorney that I admired and he was a trial attorney.
Everything was going to trial.
Everything would go to trial.
So through all that, I had already had
two surgeries prior for my ovarian cyst.
The first one was 9.2 cm.
The second one was 8.7 during my marriage.
And then, come at that time, I developed another one.
And my OB told me that we’re going to go into surgery a month from there.
When I came back to the law firm, I went to the HR.
She saw me bawling.
And she said, what’s going on?
And I said, you know, I thought the next time something
grows in my body is going to be a baby, not another cyst.
So she sent me to an acupuncturist down the street.
And I went to him, bless his soul.
His name is Elan McDally.
I don’t know where he is.
But he, on the second session that he was
putting the needles afterwards, I went to his
office, gave me a sheet of paper and said, did you know that hypnosis and hypnotherapy
can help with ovarian cyst?
What does that have to do with our body, right?
I knew of a hypnotherapist not too far from us.
I went to her in less than six sessions.
But I believed I healed my ovarian cyst.
So when I went to the doctors a week before the surgery and they
did the ultrasound, there was absolutely no sign of the cyst.
Oh, wow. Wow.
So you read that? Surgery that second time.
Yeah. No surgery.
That was the third surgery that I was going to go on the third time.
Okay. The third time.
I was very significant to me and you will hear more about my three e-method.
So since then, and I was still in the legal
field wanting to be an attorney one night,
sitting, you know, there’s always a reason for everything Friday night.
I’m like crying and everything and I’m alone in my condo.
The divorce, the family wants us to come together.
And everything was happening.
I come to turn the TV on at that time.
I had to go and do this and not everything sitting.
I had yellow pages, yellow pages, falls on the floor.
It opens on age and I call to pick it up and
there it is hypnotism institute in Glendale.
Oh my God.
So Institute for Hypnosis in Glendale.
Next duty at night on a Friday night, I
pick up the phone, curiosity call and master
Gil Boyne with his deep voice answers the phone.
And I said, I just want to know what this is.
I’m curious. He says, why are you calling?
Do you know anything about hypnosis?
And I tell him that I experienced it and I healed myself.
He says, tomorrow I’m having school.
You come to the school and you tell my students about it.
I had 30 in the morning.
I’m at a school to tell his students
I sign up and that was 1996, 1997.
I got my certification and believe it or not, since 2000, I have been practicing as
a clinical hypnotherapist and then went on
to get my certification in anger management,
stress management and domestic abuse consulting.
Oh wow.
Wow. Beautiful.
I love what I do. Oh, and I know.
And you have such a great aura about you, energy about you.
So giving, and I remember the first time we met
at Prosperity Camp, I was like, who’s this woman?
She’s having this women’s event. I don’t know.
And we talked briefly like maybe we could talk.
I could speak at it.
Maybe I couldn’t. We didn’t really know each other.
But I felt you were in the woo-woo world and I was in the corporate thing.
But what I realized is that there has to be an integration between all of this.
And I don’t use woo-woo anymore.
I use mindset and healing.
But there has to be an integration.
And I personally have grown in my own path of
understanding over the X amount of years that
and I use a phrase called mindset plus mechanics
equals momentum because I was so ingrained
with the mechanics of what I was doing in the
financial services industry that until I figured
out, hey, wait a minute, I got to get my head
on straight in order to do these mechanics.
And I think a lot of people don’t combine
that to create momentum in their life, whether
it’s their business, financially, it’s their life.
Some people are all about, well, I’ll just dream it and manifest it.
But you know, you’ve got to have the mechanics to deliver.
So it’s all of this. It’s so important.
So once I figured that out, I was like, oh, I really like this person, Liza.
And I’m sure you have the same thing as like,
whoa, she’s kind of rough around the edges, right?
As far as corporate and stuff.
But I think this is really important.
And I’ll just give you, there’s a statistic that just came out.
I think a lot of people know. I coach mortgage loan officers,
real estate agents, and lots of business owners, right?
They have just generic business owners, right?
But specifically in the mortgage space right
now, 38% of all licensed loan officers have left the business as of 2023, right?
They ran in 20, and here we are in 2024 recording, but the stat just came out.
That’s nearly half of the mortgage people.
I know there’s going to be a stat for realtors
because it’s such a rough time, right?
But let’s talk about business owners.
They’re having a rough time right now.
Inflation is high.
We don’t know what’s happening, you know, overseas.
We don’t know what’s happening here in our country
right now with what’s happening at all the universities.
We don’t know what’s happening with the election, right?
And then we have things going on with Israel,
which I know is near and dear to your heart.
All of this stuff is happening, and we just
think that it’s all happening outside of us, but it isn’t.
Tell us we are part of all this, right?
Right, the energy is how it happens.
How does it happen that, you know, I don’t watch, let’s say someone’s, I don’t watch
news because it’s negative, but somehow it’s getting in.
So tell us how does this happen?
We are part of everything.
Okay, so it doesn’t matter if I get the energy
via Zoom or I get the energy because I’m
part of it originally from Iran.
That’s where I was born and I am Armenian.
So there is that Christian part of me and
then in a Muslim country, but we were treated very well when we were there.
I’ve been a part of America.
I’m an American.
I’ve been here since 1976.
So since my childhood, my teenage years, I have been integrated in America.
And yet I consider myself, you know, someone says, are you Middle Eastern?
Are you Caucasian? Are you this?
I’m Caucasian.
I’m from Middle East.
Yeah, right.
But it’s, I see that’s the whole thing.
What is happening around the world is affecting us without affecting us directly.
It’s happening in the workforce.
It’s affecting us without affecting us.
And here’s the short thing.
I have a condominium that the insurance carrier no longer was carrying it.
They dropped California is become one of the
worst places to own a condo because insurance
carriers because of fire, because of flood,
because of earthquake, because of everything.
So there is not one disaster.
There’s four disasters in California.
And yet it’s the golden stage to come to.
Right. Right.
So I had to search for a new condo carrier.
All the big ones are not carrying.
I found one. I’m talking to insurance.
The agent as she is overwhelmed, anxious, under a lot of duress and stress.
It’s affecting her because of what the
country and what the state is putting pressure on each agent.
So here is an agent that used to have a big company.
She reduced it.
Now they are saying if you want to keep your
agency, you have to have minimum or four
How can they survive when labor costs is going off?
No, they just wouldn’t have happened.
Right. Everything is like a yo-yo happening in the workforce.
So coming from the corporate world, I understand what is happening.
And here she is.
Gorgeous as can be.
What do they do?
They stop eating properly.
Can’t sleep properly.
She says I work out.
I go to the gym at five o’clock in the morning until seven come home.
Take care of the kids.
Do this, do that.
I’m at work at nine o’clock until about seven o’clock.
She is, here is like a hamster’s will.
Right. Going round and about and can’t stop because the moment
she stops, she says, I don’t know what’s going to happen.
I don’t want to think what’s going to happen.
So we’re taking care of all the outside.
Yeah, yeah. Forgetting how to deal with the inside.
Right. And I said, what is your me time?
And she said, what is your time?
Right. Because they give us a thing, Jen.
Doing here to her its maintenance.
We to the gym is maintenance.
She has to look good.
She has to look fit for herself, for her husband.
She has to do the nails because everyone is looking at her.
She has, she is a high achiever, high producer.
Everything when you are doing this into that level, which is fantastic.
If you don’t take care of your body, your body will break you down is what I say.
Do you think it’s avoidance?
I mean, subconsciously, do you think it’s
avoidance that people, you know, I used to say
this and this is something, you know, you and I were talking in the green room.
And yes, I have a lot of travel that I’m experiencing.
But I, I also told you, I tend to take July and August off.
Right? I don’t, I don’t, I work, but I don’t do all my travel and stuff.
Right. And a lot of my travel is experiential travel.
Right. And we’re, it’s not like a work,
sometimes the travel is that it’s not at work.
Right. But it’s, it’s just my, my job is that I
travel and I speak, but it’s not stressful to me as far as that goes.
But, you know, I used to call it the glorification of busyness, right?
I would talk to someone and they’re like, well, I’m going here and I’m doing this and
I’m talking to this and I’m doing that and I’m working out and I have all this stuff.
And then their whole life is falling apart, right?
And you’ve heard me say, you know, if you look at a wheel on a car, the steel becomes
the business and the tire, the rubber part is
our lives and it gets holes in it and it gets
shredded and we get divorced and we have heart attacks and you know, we deal in it.
You’re a little chipped problems and stuff.
And if we could just re-invert that, right?
And focus the wheel on our lives and then have
our business and all the other peripherals be the tire.
I think it would be so much better.
And that’s what, you know, it’s what I coach on.
It’s what I mentor on is that kind of
lifestyle because I saw this glorification of
busyness and thought, God, you poor thing because
it was, well, no, no, I’m more busy than you.
I subconsciously feel that that’s an avoidance
of reality because I don’t want to do it not me. I’m saying
people don’t want to deal with it. What do you think about that?
It’s not that they don’t want to deal with it.
Here’s one of the things that I say.
Doing nothing is doing something.
Yeah, it’s a choice.
It’s not about the choice.
It’s about doing nothing.
So when I take someone into that state of hypnosis, they come
here and they relax and they go into that state of hypnosis.
Some I even ask me, what is the difference between meditation and hypnosis?
Because I meditate every single morning.
So why do I need to be hypnotized?
Here’s why people come to me.
They come to me because they’re overwhelmed.
They are stressed.
Going into a panic and anxiety.
Have this fear factor.
They can’t sleep well.
And they are going through some negative thinking or negative habits such as over
eating, over drinking, over achieving, overification of living.
So everything is overwhelmed or they cut.
So it’s not enough.
And that creates anxiety.
When there was that anxiety underneath it, there was resentment.
Underneath resentment is because something hurts and yet I’m not paying attention.
So I can put that bandaid on by doing meditation.
Hypnosis is something that you go in within
yourself that you tap from the conscious, bypass
the conscious level and bypass the analyzing,
judging, criticizing factor to go into the
subconscious which stores all your experiences,
emotions, your entire bodily, regulated by the subconscious might.
And what I say is going into the experiences
to shift the things that are no longer working
for you to make it better and healthier.
So it’s not that we are ignoring it.
It’s just we’re busy doing.
So meditation is to go into that zone of space, of nothingness.
And yet hypnosis is to go deep within in order to resolve and make something better.
It’s to do something with it.
So it’s not always going to the childhood level because I had a client.
This is how stress affects us.
We talk about global and yet it’s something very simple.
At age 29 he picks up a cigarette.
Most smokers start in their teenage years.
So his mother died seven months prior to that.
And then he picks up the cigarette and he’s
coming to me because when he came to me it was
two years after his mom had passed away and
he’d been smoking for two years and they just
had a baby four-month-old baby and his wife said, “I want you to stop smoking.”
So he comes to me because he knew within two
to three sessions he can become a non-smoker.
He was referred to me.
So we’re doing this and I’m like, “How long have you been smoking?”
He’s smoking a pack and a half a day.
How long have you been smoking almost two years?
Why did you pick up?
He says, “I don’t know.”
But I picked it up two years ago.
Now in hypnosis, it’s like we’re doing a timeline
going into that factor of when it started because we need to have that root cause.
Sometimes we don’t necessarily need it but in exploration we get it.
As mom passes away and then he’s sharing all
this when he’s in a state of relaxation so
he doesn’t have to analyze and criticize and judge himself.
He comes to the kitchen, everybody’s in there,
everybody’s mourning, he goes to the kitchen
and lo and behold, his mom’s cigarette is there.
He misses her and at that very moment coming
out of the funeral he sees that cigarette,
picks up that cigarette, puts it in his mouth
and feels the connection that I am now connected with mom.
Since then he started connect.
Not everything about our life starts at our childhood.
Not everything is our parents fault.
It’s a choices that we make.
What I say is just like picking up the phone
and looking at the apps that you have and realizing those apps are our experiences
and the choices that we have and that little
chip inside the phone or inside our self
which is the subconscious is where it stores all the information.
We open those apps, go in, modify, edit
certain apps we want, get rid of or delete and
realizing once you delete it, it’s never out of the chip.
So it’s never, we can never delete anything
from our memory bank of who we are but it is no longer a fraction goes.
So all we have to do is you realize mom is always with you.
You no longer need cigarette to keep connected to mom.
Are you willing to let that go because your life with
your wife and the new baby is so much more important. Yeah.
So in life. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
And the shift that happens, the hypnotherapist,
the work we do is take you from the pain
level to the gain which is absolutely because that’s when we make a shift.
We want to move away from something that pains
us to go into something that it’s loving,
nurturing, healthy and joyful which is the gain.
Yeah. I love that.
So, so, you know, when when, so I have two
questions that because we’re getting getting
down to the last time I’ve lost few minutes here, but okay.
And so, so one is, you know, someone’s like,
I don’t really know about this hypnosis
kind of stuff and I know you’re explaining it, right?
And I’m kind of backtracking just a little bit.
I probably should have asked the question before you did that.
But we will not edit this.
But if there’s saying, you know, I don’t really know
about the hypnosis, couldn’t I sort of do this on my own?
What are some of the things that, and because
I know you’re an advocate for hypnosis,
but what are some of the things that people have
done in the past that have worked if they’re not quite ready to go to hypnosis?
Is it simply meditation?
Is it counseling?
Is it increasing awareness?
If they’re saying, you know, hey, you know,
maybe I don’t want to dip my toe in it quite
yet, but what could I do to help give me some relief?
Well, I, you can go to my website on healwithn.com
and I have all kinds of audio recording.
You can download it and listen to it in the comfort of your home.
Get the experience of just relaxing with
listening to the suggestions and then see how you like it.
We go in and out of hypnosis every single day.
We sit in the car.
We know where we’re going.
We get to the destination in between.
We’re singing.
We’re talking on the form.
Some people even watch a movie, right?
They’re, right?
You’re having a conversation.
You get to your destination and you wonder, you never have to do this.
Right. How did I do that?
Because we are going into that auto zone automatically and hypnosis is nothing, but
it internal connection and we do this all day long.
So everything that we do habitual is like we’re in the sense state.
So what we do when we hypnotize someone is
bring you to full awareness instead of taking you in.
Right. It’s just, there is no magic.
Yeah, it’s kind of like, I mean, one of the things
that I’m doing every five days is practicing being amidextrous.
Right. So Mike, my life won’t come up and it says practice being amidextrous.
And I’m like, okay, what can I do today?
You know, whether it’s brushing my teeth with my opposite hand or it’s reaching for
something with a different hand or it’s
using the clicker on the TV with my different hand.
And I’m practicing. That’s mindful. That’s also.
Yeah. And that’s, that’s really what it is.
It’s, it’s increasing the awareness to that.
Okay, but we want them to come to you.
However, we do want them to kind of everybody.
Listen, if you’re listening to this, go go see Liza.
But I have a question about, you know, you
have, I know one of the topics that you talk
about is gaining weight due to emotional burdens that people have.
And I, and I know that you work with women specifically.
So can you break down the hormonal changes
that women go through that gains weight versus
the emotional changes and how do you discern
whether it’s a hormonal or an emotional burden
that’s creating weight gain specifically in women?
I’m over 60.
So I know that women between
48 and 55 go through menopausal.
Women are pausing itself can last from
premenopause to postmenopause about 16 years.
So we go through this emotional up and down,
the body goes through this fluctuation.
Now hormonal is something that if you have
already gone to the doctors and done all the
lap tests and they specifically say, okay, it is your hormones, your hormone level has
gone up and down. Okay. Now we know that
there is something right there physically that
it’s happening. Okay.
That is the health and medical aspect.
We can work that because women come to me
for a lot of menopause and through hypnosis,
we can reduce the reaction to menopause the
way we sweat, the way our emotions go up and down.
I work with blood pressure and everything we can reduce blood pressure.
I hypnotize myself and I’ve had seven root canals with absolutely
no anesthetics, no topical, no nothing because we can be very acute
in what we want to numb or bypass the pain factor.
So what is an emotional weight? It is burdens,
shame, guilt that we load on that has
been we stuff it and we have it like on our
shoulder and what we say, I’ve been caring that for such a long time.
What have you been caring?
See, even the words that we use, it gives me indication.
So if you have been caring yet, if it is a
load, it’s a heavy load and you haven’t realized you stuff by eating.
You stuff it, oral gratification, you stuff it by drinking, eating, smoking.
All three of them are nothing but oral gratification.
So when we have weight that it’s a yo-yo, we go up and
down, up and down, we lose it, we lose it, we gain it. It’s not any more physical.
Find the cause, root cause, why do you eat
thinking that that whole is never full, you’re
never full, you’re never satisfied and there’s
always something that it’s like not enough.
That part is an emotional.
Yeah, I had a client who came to me overweight
and in the last eight sessions, she’s dropped
over 14 pounds and that’s because we are peeling
away a lot of emotional burden and a secret
that she had been holding on to, caring all
these years that frankly, it was no longer a secret.
It’s just she didn’t realize that the
subconscious that inner child of hers, we call it
that inner child, not the little child, inner
self, have been caring it and it was heavy, heavy, heavy.
And she dropped that heaviness, feeling light,
feeling free by expressing it instead of suppressing it.
So those are the most burdensome weight.
Yeah, yeah. And I think a lot of people do carry burdens.
I used to tell my daughter, because she wears her heart on her sleeve, right?
Everybody, she, I said, look, you can’t don’t carry. Well, how do I always say it?
I don’t say it that way.
I say, care, but don’t carry.
Care about them, but don’t carry their burden and she was carrying their burden.
And I think that that’s something that maybe
through journaling, through meditation,
we can start thinking about what it is that I’m carrying.
What is it that is actually?
If someone’s experiencing, and I don’t know what your definition
of yo-yo is, I mean, to me, yo-yo is a pretty wide range.
I think a couple pounds here and there, you
know, up down all around is not a big thing.
But when you’re talking– Up to five pounds is nothing.
I’m talking about over 10 pounds, 15 pounds.
Yeah, 10, 15 pounds, I kind of yo-yoing, you
know, is to think about, you know, going back and saying, well, when was I thin?
When was I heavy? When was I thin?
You know, what was going on in my life and I
think journaling can really help you open that up.
Exactly. You know, what are the things?
And it’s a timeline. This is where I am.
This is where I was. What’s happening in my life?
What was happening in my life then?
Not only within yourself with your body, but
your family, your environment, your home.
I mean, even at the workplace.
Yeah. Even at the workplace in the corporate world.
Oh, yeah. If there is, you know, all that, that it’s
happening. You come inside your cubicle and you’re stuffing
yourself with something and or you’re resenting someone.
All that. It’s a heaviness.
Yeah, it’s funny because I’ve always been thin.
I’ve never been heavier or anything, but I remember looking at pictures of myself.
I honestly got straight. I remember looking at pictures
of myself and going, hey, you look a little chunky.
Right before I leave a company when I was in
the courtroom right before I left the company.
And then I would see pictures after I left the company.
I went to a new company and I was all of a sudden I looked more toned.
And then I’d see later on at that company.
I was starting to not look so toned.
And I’m talking about a fluctuation of five or
six pounds, but you know, I’m only five four.
But, but I can see that when I when I’m not unhappy or when I’m unhappy in my work that
I start putting some pounds on just a tiny
bit, but enough that I can see it in pictures and go, whoa, look at that.
That’s interesting for me to know, you know,
as it, ooh, you know, when that’s happening.
So I think that’s important in the corporate world
too. So, so Liza, you have tell us real quickly.
I mean, we have all of the links below.
We know how to get in touch with you, et cetera.
And tell us about who your perfect client is.
You probably do a whole scope of things, but
who’s your perfect client for that person
who’s listening, whether they’re the person,
they know a person, or they know someone who knows a person?
Thank you for this question.
If you are feeling overwhelmed under stress,
feeling anxiety and not realizing what it
is until you are ready to let that pain go.
And be free.
Feeling that calmness and peace want peace within yourself.
And once you have that and want to feel
confident and know that you can, because a lot
of my clients don’t even believe that they matter.
So and I wanted to say it’s time for us to
evil what was, it’s to acknowledge it so that
you can embrace what is the reality right
here and evolve to your desired goal because you do matter.
Yeah. And I love that your company is called Heal With In, right?
And so it’s all the inside job that we have to be working on.
And this is becoming even more of a prevalent
topic as time goes on as we experience more external issues.
We have internal issues.
COVID didn’t help us.
The pandemic didn’t help us.
So there’s a lot of things that are going on.
And especially as women going through menopause,
going through that menopausal stage, either
Perry or menopause or postmenopause, there’s
a lot of emotional burden on who we thought
we were and now we’re looking in the mirror.
We’re going who are we?
And yet I feel like we’ve all come into our own as who we are inside, right?
We’ve come to our own. It’s like, you know, now I get a few lost.
It’s like I don’t know who I am.
Like you’re trying to find out.
Yeah, it’s just the craziest thing because
before it was like the outside and I, you know,
trying to please everybody and do all those
things and try to climb a corporate ladder and
all that and then you go, wait a minute, I’m who I am and I’m feel good with that.
And then all of a sudden it’s like what happened to the outside, right?
So, right.
Yeah. You want to fix the outside, you want to fix the relationships start with you.
I know it’s a lot of people say such a cliche, but it is not truly.
Once I healed within, that’s what I call it.
That’s why the company is healed within.
A lot of things started falling into place.
I found the job that I really love instead of
wanting a job that and yet, I do think I do is of service and helping people.
Just in a different way.
Yeah, yeah, I totally love it.
I love it. Liza, thank you so much for what you’re doing in the world.
Again, I love your energy.
I love what you’re doing for women.
I know that you work with men as well.
So we’ll make sure everybody hears that, that
they know that you work with men as well.
And I want to just ask you this last question.
Is there a quote or a mantra that you would like to leave with us today?
What a beautiful, uh, phosing.
No matter where you are, no matter who you are with, always remember one’s thing.
You’re looking at yourself and that’s the best you can fight.
So take care of her or him.
I love it.
Beautiful. Well spoken.
Thank you so much, Liza again for joining us today.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
And I want to thank you, Jen.
Absolutely. And I want to say thank you for joining
us today and taking time out of your busy day.
I am so grateful for everyone who listens in.
And we appreciate a great five star review
and some comments about Liza so that she knows
what the impact is that she has given on this time that we’ve had together.
And last but not least, run on over to YouTube
and subscribe to YouTube and make sure that
you’re part of our community and watching us
as well as listening to us because today we got the memo about wearing white.
You won’t know that unless you say that.
And you can put my love.
We both are about our plans.
We both have that design thing going on.
I mean, it’s from Big Wine.
We would like to answer it.
It’s divine intervention. I absolutely love it.
Well again, everybody, thank you so much for listening and Liza.
Thank you so much for being such a wonderful guest.
We’ll catch you next time on Success 2
Signabigants Life After Breaking Through Glass Sealings.

Liza is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Her journey in the field of hypnotherapy and alternative healing began when she was overwhelmed and under a lot of pressure and stress.

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