Overcoming Fear of Flying with Hypnotherapy

Fear of flying – Summer is here, and while many are excited for vacation, some dread it due to a fear of flying. If the mere thought of flying makes your heart pound and triggers a cold sweat, it’s your body’s fight-or-flight response to stress. An overactive imagination doesn’t help either. If you find yourself relying on drinks or pills to numb the fear, then where is the pleasure in that? Travel is supposed to be enjoyable and easy.

Ready to Take Off?

Fear of flying is surprisingly common; one in five people suffer from it, whether for business or pleasure. However, hypnosis can help tackle your fear of flying, making you more confident and at ease about flying. Your mind is the antidote to your fears. The same powerful mind that creates fear can also un-create it. All fears are self-created. Recognize that you can choose a new way of thinking and being.

Fear of flying, or aviophobia, can originate from various sources or be caused by the unconscious part of your mind warning you of potential dangers. In the case of flying phobia, this protective mechanism has become oversensitive and problematic. For some, it may be tied to anxiety disorders, claustrophobia, or a fear of losing control.

A Personal Transformation

My friend Alison, for example, developed a deep fear of flying after experiencing severe turbulence during a flight as a teenager. Although the plane landed safely, the memory haunted her, making it nearly impossible to consider flying again.

One key to overcoming your fear is relaxation. Alison decided to try hypnosis after years of avoiding flights. During her sessions, she unlocked the reasons for her fear and learned to associate flying with feelings of safety and relaxation. Through guided visualizations, Alison began to picture herself enjoying flights, feeling calm and in control. After a few sessions, she booked a short flight to visit a friend, and though initially nervous, she practiced relaxation techniques and positive affirmations. To her amazement, the flight was smooth and uneventful. She felt a sense of inner calm, accomplishment, and newfound freedom, looking forward to flying again and taking a long-awaited vacation with her fiancé.

The Hypnotherapy Process

Hypnosis can teach you profound relaxation skills that become second nature with practice. Your brain’s subconscious and emotional part needs reassurance that everything is okay, even if the logical part already knows the safety statistics. You can learn to create your own calm and ease whenever and wherever you need it.

Where you once dreaded flying, you can now relax and enjoy the flight. While hypnosis is not an instant cure, many of my successful clients would agree it helped them feel at ease and comfortable. It is simple and effective. Hypnotherapy offers a powerful and effective solution, helping individuals like Alison overcome their fears and embrace the joy of travel.

Imagine how your life would change if you could feel free to fly! You could join your friends on the next vacation, say yes to the next business trip that could advance your career, or travel to the places you dream of for the joy of it.

If you or someone you know struggles with aviophobia, consider hypnotherapy as a path to reclaiming your freedom and confidence in the skies. Call me. I’m here to help you enjoy your next flight!

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As one woman to another, I am gifting you $200.00 off when you purchase 4 sessions with me.

Video – Conquering Fears and Phobias

Liza is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Her journey in the field of hypnotherapy and alternative healing began when she was overwhelmed and under a lot of pressure and stress.

Phone - (818) 551-1501
Email - [email protected]
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Monday - Friday -10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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